May 23rd, 2021

I left the Rivers Edge Resort and drove about 45-minutes to St. Regis, Montana to visit the "best gift shop in Montana" according to the signs. One of my colleagues, Dean, recommended I stop for a look-see and I am glad I did.

It was filled with oodles of delightful tchotchkes.

I wandered around for an hour or so. Wild Montana huckleberry "stuff" was everywhere. Their huckleberry fudge was really yummy. I also picked up some huckleberry cookie mix and huckleberry jelly which I've squirreled away for a rainy day.

This gift shop ( is a family owned establishment opened in 1962 and even features a trout aquarium.

I got back on the road and made it to Newport, Washington where I stayed through the Memorial Day Weekend. This was a great RV Resort. I found a great spot back tucked between the trees. The weather was perfect with some occasional light rain. I was entertained by a pair of ground hogs one morning as well as a doe and her fawn. Another great treat was being able to use Instacart for grocery delivery!

Newport is in the northeastern part of Washington right next to the Idaho border. I took the condo on wheels into a service center in Spokane, which was about a 90-minute drive for an oil change, brake check and to see if they could get my power outlets to work when I am on the generator. Evidently there are breakers on the generator itself so once the breaker was flipped everything worked perfectly! I left Spokane and drove about 3-hours south and east to my next stop near the Tucannon River and the town of Starbuck.

This is a really isolated RV park - an absolute haven for introverts in a park-like setting with absolutely NO cell service. I have data plans with Verizon, ATT, and T-Mobile and none of them have a signal here so I am dependent on the park wifi which hasn't been very good. So, if anyone has been texting or trying to call me I'll get back to you after June 18th!