Well, it's been a minute since I last posted. I have been visiting family in Kansas for the most part of the past 5-months. I have been so fortunate to be able to spend so much time with them these past months. Mom has had some health troubles, stepmom had a couple of minor surgeries, sis had a gnarly medical adventure, my old companion Loki, the sugar glider, passed away and Nosey, my 18 year-old cat, has been ill.
On the brighter side, my brother and I had an RV pad installed at my fathers and I adopted adopted a new roadie, Charlie.

I left Topeka yesterday hoping to get ahead of the really cold weather. I made it to Meade State Park last night. I am the only person here at the campground. Probably because it is 2-degrees F..... As soon as my heated water hose thaws out I am going to shower and make my way to New Mexico!

So sorry about Loki 🥲
miss you bunches my friend!